digiTICKET Police Ticketing Software
digiTICKET mobile e ticket system enables law enforcement to create tickets using Windows, Android, and iOS tablets, laptops, or phones. With a barcode scanner, officers can quickly and accurately record violator data. Officers using electronic citations are prompted through the ticket-issuing process easily capturing signatures, photos, and GPS coordinates that are related to the stop. Scanning and drop-down menus on our e ticketing system prevent human error while redundant device memory ensures no lost tickets. At the end of their shift, officers simply upload ticket information from the mobile devices to digiTICKET’s web-based software.
digiTICKET’s web application allows departments to manage users, tickets, statutes, and court calendars which are used on the mobile software in the field. digiTICKET’s web-based software also provides ticket reporting and eCitation data export tools to eliminate the error-prone process of re-entering ticket data into a Records Management System (RMS) and court system, transferring the data automatically.
- Easy to use – officers are writing tickets within minutes
- Deploy on Windows, Android, and iOS devices and phones
- Fines are auto-calculated based on offense; multiple violations issued in seconds
- Court dates, statutes, fine amounts are auto-assigned using user managed rules
- Handles multiple ticket types, including different ticket formats
- Downloads all officer, court and violation information upon secure login, allowing the sharing of devices between officers
- Includes an electronic book of tickets that is electronically issued to the officer
- Includes an up-to-date electronic list of municipal codes and state statutes
- Offers a search tool for identifying specific violations
- Uses a street address database to ensure uniform locations on tickets
- Scans barcodes on drivers licenses and military IDs from all over the United States, Mexico and Canada
- Captures photo and signature of violator
- Captures GPS coordinates of each stop
- Provides officers with ability to make notes after a traffic stop or incident – including voice note recordings for longer narratives
- Capture demographic data
- Ticket information can be customized to meet agency and court needs and processes
- Offers the ability to pause a citation or quickly copy citations and offenses to further decrease the time required to issue tickets.

- Dashboard reporting of ticketing activity
- View specific ticket data, photos of defendants
- Reproduce exact copy of tickets with signatures, court disposition information and photo of violator
- View a map of ticket locations (captured using GPS on devices)
- Manage municipal codes and state statutes that are used by officers on the mobile devices
- View blocks of issued tickets and issue new blocks of tickets

- Produce reports with this police ticketing software using a wide range of ad hoc elements including date and ticket type
- Download reports into Excel spreadsheets
- View reports of specific ticket data; customized to specific needs
- Industry-proven secure logins and data transfer protocol (https)
- Provide multiple levels of user authorizations
- Manage court dates that are automatically printed on the ticket