How to get digiTICKET in Wyoming

Police officers often grapple with the inefficiencies of traditional ticketing methods. The old way of handwriting tickets is not only slow, it is also prone to errors and administrative headaches. However, Saltus Technologies offers a revolutionary change with the digiTICKET eCitation, a digital ticketing solution for Wyoming agencies, transforming this cumbersome process into a swift and error-free operation.

Think about a scenario where issuing citations is no longer a hassle. digiTICKET, our electronic ticket writer for Wyoming, has been precisely engineered to meet the demands of state and local governments. Officers can issue tickets with just a few clicks, cutting down on the time spent per stop and boosting officer safety.


digiTICKET is more than just an electronic ticket writer; it’s a complete package supported by our efficient dSaaS offering. This includes everything from software and hardware to training, deployment, and ongoing support, assuring a smooth integration with your current systems. Thanks to our subscription model, agencies can take advantage of this solution with no initial cost. Alternatively, a direct purchase option is available.


digiTICKET for Wyoming is highly adaptable, easily fitting into diverse operational needs. Every aspect is tailored to address  the in-the-field challenges and the administrative requirements officers face with every citation.


Our approach to digital ticketing for Wyoming represents a leap in technological advancement, preparing your agency for an era marked by speed, precision, and innovation. We invite you to discover a world where cutting-edge technology meets inventive solutions, providing more than just a product, but also a comprehensive, ongoing partnership.


Contact the digiTICKET Sales team today. Together, we can usher in a new age of law enforcement citation in Wyoming with digiTICKET, characterized by innovative, efficient, and steadfast support.