PTS Solutions Adds digiTICKET eCitation into its Public Safety Software Suite

January 10, 2012 BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA—PTS Solutions, Inc (PTS) and Saltus Technologies (Saltus) announced this week that they have formed a partnership to integrate Saltus’ digiTICKET e-Citation Solution into PTS Solutions’ Public Safety Software Suite. This partnership will enable law enforcement personnel to quickly create electronic citations in the field and upload the information directly to an agency’s PTS Records Management System (RMS).

The digiTICKET system is capable of creating any ticket using an easily customized ticket format – including traffic, parking, pedestrian, code enforcement, city, county, parish or state standard forms. The ticket can be signed electronically by the offender and printed in the field. Easy-to-use digiTICKET software running on handheld computers or laptop computers automatically updates all officer, court and violation information upon secure login by each officer.

“We are extremely pleased to have Saltus Technologies as our new electronic ticketing partner,” said PTS President Dave Fuqua. “Their digiTICKET product is one of the most affordable, comprehensive and easiest to use products in the market. We look forward to bringing their technology to our clients.”

PTS customers using digiTICKET and Incident Solutions will spend considerably less time creating and importing tickets. The digiTICKET system scans driver’s licenses, state and military ids from all over the United States, Canada and Mexico. Citation issuance times are typically reduced by more than 50% and the import of citation data into the RMS happens with the click of a button.

“Getting your agency personnel off the road and back into a safe location is another benefit to this product.” Fuqua said. “Improving officer safety is always a top priority.”

Integrating the digiTICKET e-Citation system with PTS RMS eliminates data input errors typically occurring with traditional methods.  By automating the ticketing process in the field, errors related to incorrect or incomplete data on the tickets as well as issues with handwriting are eliminated completely. The system also offers the benefit of capturing additional digital content such as pictures, GPS coordinates, voice notes and electronic signatures. All of this information is then available through a robust online management system where ticketing data can be reported on and tickets can be reproduced in PDF format.

“Saltus is very excited about our partnership with PTS Solutions. PTS is a proven, mature company in the Public Safety arena and our solutions are very complementary. We’re pleased that PTS Solutions has selected digiTICKET as their preferred e-Citation solution. It continues to validate our belief that digiTICKET is the industry’s new leader in e-Citation technology,” said Eric Fultz, President and CEO of Saltus Technologies.

About PTS Solutions

Professional and Technical Software Solutions, Inc., (d/b/a PTS Solutions, Inc.) has been providing public safety software for over 20 years.  PTS offers a robust and integrated product line from Computer Aided Dispatch through Court, including Mobile, Law Enforcement Records Management, Jail Management, Personnel, Evidence/Property Management and a Sex Offender data base among others. PTS products provide clients with a seamless, cutting edge, integrated software suite.  For additional details, go to or call 888-831-5151.