digiTICKET® eCitation SaaS Solution Deployed by Topeka, KS Police

digiTICKET Maximizes Patrol Time While Reducing Risks and Lowering Costs

Tulsa, OK, March 25, 2015 – Saltus Technologies™, provider of the industry-leading digiTICKET® eCitation solution, announced today that the Topeka, Kansas Police Department has implemented one of the company’s largest digiTICKET Solution as a Service (dSaaS) deployments to date.

Through Saltus Technologies’ partnership with the Kansas Highway Patrol and its KLER Justice Solution, Topeka joins a growing number of Kansas agencies using digiTICKET to maximize officer productivity and safety. Under the Saltus dSaaS procurement method, the City of Topeka Police Department received all necessary software, hardware, training, paper, and support for a low monthly fee, with no upfront cost. Based on statewide results, the department sees multiple advantages to switching from manual processes to the new system.

“We have realized multiple benefits from deploying digiTICKET, such as accuracy, ease of use and increased efficiency. But, one unexpected benefit has become obvious as well. digiTICKET is helping improve community relations,” said Corporal Dana Ortiz, Topeka Police Department. “Due to the increased speed and simplicity of the ticketing process, officers have a better opportunity to answer questions and concerns of the violator while spending less time on the roadway.”

Ron Biswell, Topeka’s IT Director, also favors the approach. “Other cities across Kansas are using digiTICKET successfully, so this makes sense for us. Since it’s offered as a service, there’s no additional hardware or software costs, including upgrades, which can occur automatically. It’s a good investment.”

The department’s initial deployment includes 44 laptops and 12 handheld units, shared among 112 patrol vehicles. digiTICKET currently has more than 3300 end users in 15 U.S. states, generating over 50,000 eCitations monthly. It has proven to be a key contributing factor in decreasing traffic accidents by more than 10 percent while increasing revenue by reducing errors, improving productivity, and eliminating manual processes.